B2B Event Baltic Photonics 2019
It was such a pleasure to gather together with photonics technology experts and leaders to talk about what we care about most. Technology developments, applications, and challenges.
Baltic Photonics is an annual professional event that brings us together to discuss relevant topics of the Photonics world today. The purpose of this year's event was to catalyze and facilitate new technology development collaborations and boost technological and commercial advancement. Companies and institutions were invited to present the latest developments, products, and services in order to find project partners, customers or suppliers.
Collaboration Opportunities. Companies and R&D institutions were invited to make 10 minutes presentations, each followed by 5 minutes discussion. The task was to invite the audience to collaborate (you could introduce a new product, present challenges, offer technology, request a project partner, etc).
Thematic Sessions were dedicated to discussing specific applications of photonics with the aim to inspire companies to develop new projects or establish new partnerships. These sessions included thematic presentations and moderated discussions.
The event was moderated by Julius Paužolis, Science and Technology Park of the Institute of Physics (LT).
Thank you for all the participants. Until the next year!
Moments from Baltic Photonics 2019: