We offer experience in producing of precission optomechanical partsand components for laser and optical systems, biotechnology, medicine and other industries.
Starting from design using “Solidworks”, and using “CAMWorks” for CAM programming. we design and produce our own fixtures for part manufacturing.
Manufacturing capabilities:
CNC turning: DMG MORI CLX 450 High-end universal turning machine with direct measuring system
- Max. workpiece diameter — 400 mm, max. workpiece length— 800 mm
- The machine has a Y axis, active tools and two spindles
- Efficient manufacturing of parts, especially series production, due to a bar feeder
CNMC Milling: HAAS VF2-SS and DMG DMU 50
- Max dimensions on X axis — 762 mm, on Y axis — 450 mm; on Z axis — 500 mm. Workpiece dimensions depends on the finished part‘s shape, material, and elements which it contains
- Rotations on C axis +/-360°, on B axis — +110°/-5°
- 5 axis and 3+2 milling provides the ability to efficiently process parts of different and unique configurations
In addition to metal processing we offer Anodizing, Sand blasting, Glass blasting, Tumbling, Engraving, vacuum cleaning and other services
- From single piece to serial production
- Prompt delivery from 1 week
- Quality control services (CMM HEXAGON Global Lite)
- Consulations and product design optimisation